DHP family backing freshers welfare with Ask for Angela ambassador

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The woman in charge of safety at Rock City, Rescue Rooms and Bodega has become an ambassador for the national Ask for Angela initiative.

Posted: Oct 2024

With thousands of freshers enjoying nights out in the city this month, all DHP venue staff have received vulnerability training to equip them to help anyone in need as part of the Ask for Angela scheme.

Michele Somers, Head of Risk at DHP Family, has now become an ambassador for Ask of Angela with the aim of encouraging wider adoption of the well regarded scheme throughout Nottingham’s night time economy.

Michele said: “I am delighted to become an Ambassador for Ask for Angela. After having a customer Ask for Angela at a bar in 2017, I was shocked that the police on arrival had no clue what I was talking about when I gave my statement. I am pleased to say that now this is a completely different story. Ask for Angela is still going strong and is one of the most recognised phrases for welfare in the night-time economy.”

DHP Family employs a welfare crew to identify those who may be in distress to ensure they get the assistance they need to stay safe. Welfare crew attend every Rock City club night from Wednesday to Saturday with extra staff for freshers events. Based on a pilot developed by Drinkaware, the multi venue operator located in Nottingham has continued with the successful initiative tailoring the training to suit each venue, and is one of the few operators to have welfare crews in place.

Michele continued: “Safety and wellbeing are fundamental rights that everyone deserves, no matter where they are. I am proud to be associated with an initiative that empowers individuals to take control of a situation and fosters a community culture where we look out for one another. I encourage everyone to join me in supporting this cause, spreading awareness, and making our social spaces safer for all.”

Michele started her career with DHP Family in 2003 after choosing to go to University in Nottingham, solely based on it being the home of Rock City. Nineteen years later Michele is now Head of Risk overseeing all eight of the live entertainment company’s venues across three cities: Rock City, Rescue Rooms, Stealth and Bodega in Nottingham; The Garage, The Grace and Oslo in London, and Thekla in Bristol.

Michele is also Chair of Nottingham Pubwatch, winner of National Pubwatch of the Year 2023.

Ask for Angela is the national scheme that helps anyone who is feeling vulnerable on a night out to get the support they need. The scheme works by training staff in vulnerability management and what to do when someone Asks for Angela.

Ask for Angela Ambassadors have pledged their support to the scheme and share the mission to reduce violence against women, girls and other potentially vulnerable groups.



Want to know more about the Ask for Angela scheme? Email us at bcrp@itsinnottingham.com.

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