New app allows information sharing between city centre businesses

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Supported by It's in Nottingham, the Alert! app will help manage the impacts of business crime in the city centre.

Posted: Nov 2024

Created by ShopSafe and available to all city centre businesses, Alert! is a secure platform designed for real-time information sharing among retailers, bars, restaurants and venues in the night-time economy, to help them take action against business crime and offending behaviour in the city centre.

Developed with simplicity in mind, the Alert! app and web platform are intuitive and easy to use, enabling businesses across Nottingham city centre to report incidents such as theft, violence, and abuse in real time.

The platform is compatible across mobile phones, tablets and laptops which means businesses don’t need any specialised equipment to operate Alert!

Benefits to businesses -

  • Ease of use - view and share information in real-time, using a mobile device
  • Every incident reported is logged in a secure offender database where separate incidents can be linked to aid evidence-gathering
  • A robust system which ensures protection of sensitive information and complies with data gathering and security standards
  • Group messaging allows businesses to securely communicate with each other as well as with It’s in Nottingham, sharing vital information quickly
  • Stay updated when off-site with customisable notifications via text message, email or the app itself

Blacks' Store Manager, said:

“The Alert app is a brilliant resource available to us. It allows us to keep up to date with local thefts and offenders, helping us to deter those offenders from our store. Through the app, we've also been able to identify offenders who have stolen from our store in the past. This has enabled us to pass their names onto the police for appropriate action. The more businesses that use the app, the more we can work together to tackle thefts in our stores.”

House of Fraser, Manager said:

“The live chat function that allows us to stay connected to other city centre businesses is invaluable to reduce retail-based crime.
"The ability to look through incidents and offender database helps House of Fraser keep updated on what we need to keep an eye out for day-to-day.”

To find out how you can protect your business with the Alert! app, get in touch with us.

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